31 July 2011

South End Beach

So grateful for this impromptu, low-key beach break with Meg and my Mom after the marathon wedding weekend.  Loved visiting this little hometown beach with its lighthouse views after so many years.

30 July 2011

Here Comes the Bride

The happiness and excitement was absolutely contagious on our ride to Shining Tides for the wedding.  Carly was radiant and beautiful - I loved having this behind-the-scenes time, talking and laughing with her before she took her walk down the aisle.  She may have been glamorous, but she was still the same funny and sweet Carly, cracking us all up with her giddy energy.

29 July 2011


We've been there for each other through thick and thin, bridal showers and bachelorette parties, pedicures and tiaras, high-heeled shoes and platinum dresses, rehearsal dinners and wedding itineraries...so grateful to have shared the journey with my girls, Naomi and Carron.

28 July 2011


So grateful for this fun-filled day with our west coast loves, Naomi and Fran! We stayed up way too late and enjoyed much wine and laughter while collectively writing the bridesmaids' toast for Carly's wedding.  It always feels like no time has passed when we visit with these girls.

27 July 2011

Pomp and Circumstance

Nothing brings feelings of gratitude quite like the Perkins preschool graduation.  Through tears of joy and pride, I sat with friends, family, teachers and staff  in celebration of these amazing kids.  Six-year-old Naomi danced proudly in her cap and gown as we all sang the special graduation song: "I can't imagine life without Naomi..."

26 July 2011


It makes me so sad that my taste buds don't enjoy this juicy summer fruit.  I lived vicariously through Lee tonight while she enjoyed this beautiful pre-bar-exam watermelon soup.  A refreshing send-off on the eve of her big day!

25 July 2011

Pillow Clouds

I woke up this morning and gave instant thanks to Maureen and Jenna for the gift of our new super soft bedding.  It was one of the best nights of sleep I got - like sleeping in a cloud.

24 July 2011


While I am loving this summer heat, I was definitely grateful for a little break with this breezy beautiful day.  We took advantage of cooler weather this evening with a hike and a swim with the girls.  Makes my heart so happy to see these little white wonders enjoying nature.

23 July 2011

Raw Food Diet

We've been having some discussions lately about making some big changes to Fergie and Luna's diet.  Today, I came out of the shower to find that Luna had pulled the carrots out of our farm share bag.  I think it's a sign that she may be ready for the switch!

22 July 2011

Town Diner

Some light-hearted wedding planning over pancakes at Deluxe Town Diner - a perfect way to end a pretty stressful week.

21 July 2011


Only with a sister can you confront a crisis with wedding dress pick up and hot fudge sundaes and come out feeling more calm and centered.

20 July 2011


So happy to find these happy yellow squash growing in my garden this week! Feels so great to be growing our own food, and hoping to have plenty to share soon.

19 July 2011


Loving the new sign that Meg's sister, Jen, had made for us - best name combination ever! So excited to be making it official in only 38 more days!  (The marriage, not the name change. :))

18 July 2011


Mmmm....the smell of Meg's homemade sauce filled with fresh veggies from our CSA.  Delish!

17 July 2011

I Scream, You Scream

...and watching Solana lick a dripping ice cream cone is definitely a scream - hilarious!  So grateful for National Ice Cream Day and for some sweet and silly time with my sister and the kids. 

(Gratitude Note: feeling EXTRA grateful that the blog site is back up and running - technical difficulties were putting a cramp in my practice this week!)

16 July 2011


Our sweet and thoughtful sisters planned some surprise pre-wedding sister time.  Tapas and Sangria at Solea, generous gifts, flowers, and a yummy cake.  They called it our wedding "sprinkle" but we felt absolutely showered with love!

15 July 2011


The clouds. The colors. The summer.  It's almost too much to take in.  So grateful for this this time of year.

14 July 2011

Beach Date

A beach date with myself. (And this seagull who kept me company during lunch, of course.) So rejuvenating to spend an afternoon listening to the ocean, swimming in the waves, walking the beach, lying in the sun, and feeling the sand on my toes. A grateful, heart-opening day.

13 July 2011

Soccer Party

We somehow managed to avoid any media spoilers and saved the Women's World Cup semi-finals for the end of the day.  The U.S. victory made our yummy pizza taste even better.

12 July 2011


What's a girl to do on a hot summer afternoon?  Take an afternoon nap of course. 

11 July 2011

10 July 2011


It was an emotional and exciting day celebrating Javier's return home to CT!  The afternoon program included more than 2,000 of his family, oldest friends, teachers, town and state officials gathered to support and share in his success. After being presented with a key to his hometown of Stratford and having July 10 named Javier Colon Day, my talented brother-in-law picked up his guitar and reminded us all why he is, without a doubt, the Voice of America. So proud of him!

09 July 2011

Kripalu Getaway

Kripalu-yogadancing, Mountain-hiking, Lake-swimming, Blue sky-breathing, Mouthwatering vegetarian food-eating, Sister-loving amazing day. 

08 July 2011

Eye Q

Celebrating an awesome bargain, some cool new specs, and taking care of my eyes today!  Thank you, Groupon!

07 July 2011

Beach Picnic

Impromptu trip to Revere Beach to catch dinner and the sunset.  A pretty great night of soft sandy toes and reconnecting with my Meg.

06 July 2011


I was grateful for this spot on my hike this morning after receiving a pretty intense craniosacral session.  The wind on the water created a hypnotic ripple, and the phrase "ripple meditation" kept creeping in to my consciousness as I sat in silence with the dogs, the water, the wind, and my body.  Lots of gratitude also for Kerry, for taking such good care of me today, and for coaxing me to "let the love have me."  Love it.

05 July 2011


Love this view from my window at work - lots of families enjoying time together on this sunny day. 

04 July 2011


What a gorgeous fourth of July!  The quiet city and brilliant sun made feelings of gratitude come easily today.  In fact, I felt so happy, grateful, and present in the moment today that I didn't have my phone or camera with me at all.  Not wanting to let this day pass without capturing at least one of these moments, I did manage to capture the grand finale.  Even on television, these fireworks were fabulous!

03 July 2011


Ah, heavenly Maine.  I love being here in any kind of weather - even rainy overcast days have a certain magic.  Aside from gazing at the marvelous ocean, Meg, Janice, Laura, and I entertained ourselves by excavating a gigantic piece of driftwood out of the sand and dragging it up to the house.  Looks like we found our wedding "altar"!

02 July 2011

Little Fan

Baby Adele made an appearance at Tam and Angie's annual pool party, showing her Boston pride. Her tiny little red sox shirt, and super cute faux hawk had every adult smiling and cooing.  No doubt we are all a big fan of baby Adele!

01 July 2011


After weeks of watering, weeding, loving and admiring, I am now the proud momma of some healthy baby mesclun, kale, spinach and arugula!  They still have some growing to do before harvesting, but I was feeling especially grateful today to be greeted by this happy garden of mine.